Raising a healthy, happy & obedient dog

For a long time now I have wanted to write this page but have been unsure of how to proceed. After all, I am simply a pet owner gone a little too far. The links and information I share on this page have come from a collection of dog friends and experts. I did not want to write another essay so it has been written over time. No doubt will turn into an essay. 

1. The first thing I learned was from puppy preschool. Make your dog want to work for that treat. Make the reward worth it. I use to buy the best steak from the grocery store to train my show dogs. This would get very messy and after a while I decided that I deserved to eat the best steak too. Right now I am finding the clear dog fish training bites most effective. They're super smelly and the dogs really seem to enjoy them. Also if your dog won't eat dental sticks or you aren't a fan of soft meaty bones, check out the clear dog dental options. Most of my cavaliers weren't taken by the fish dental  sticks but they really like the beef spare ribs. We have also tried the kangaroo tendons - bulbs, and the next one on their list to try are the kangaroo dental mini bones. 

2. According to puppy culture the  first 12 weeks are the most important in a puppies development, training and socialising. This does not mean your puppy or older dog cannot change after this time. On the contrary, I've had pups leave after 12 weeks who were never exposed to be around farm animals including chickens and yet I have seen on occasion some pet owners achieve extraordinary results with their dogs despite their arrival after the 12 week age. It just may take a little bit longer. Socialisation is not just taking your puppy out, exposing it to different people, sights and sounds. Socialisation involves appropriate social dog eduquit in different situations.
The young pup has its mouth touched to get it use to having it examined by a vet amd its feet touched so that it is happy to have its nails trimmed. Some dogs are never particularly happy about it but they have learned to obey. Not all temperament faults should be blamed on the breeder. Somethings such as temperament are simply genetic. A shy less confident puppy may not like lying on its back. It takes time, guidance from a dog trainer and consistency to bring a shy puppy out of its shell, and they do. With such a relatively new breed such as the cavalier king charles spaniel breeders need to balance which issues they need to breed out systematically. No one is above Mother Nature and whilst I always urge dog seekers to do their homework before committing to a puppy from a breeder, this needs to be done with realistic expectations too. Not all breeders breed for money. In fact, many breeders I have met breed with the aim to better their own breeding stock first and to improve genetic diversity in Australia. 

3. Cavaliers need their anal glands checked frequently. This can be done by you, your vet can teach you or most groomers should do it. Make sure you ask. I check glands monthly.
Due to their long ear lathers and fur which covers the ear canal the ears must be cleaned. Below is a link to one of the many products you can buy. Ears are done weekly. Some dogs ears get dirtier quicker.
Brush your dogs teeth. An annual clean at the vet is not enough. Use dental sticks, raw soft bones and dehydrated bones from suppliers helps too. There are kibble dental formulas. Do not leave it. Dental care should be a daily routine in your dogs life. 
4. Puppies aren't born with the skill to walk on a lead. The skills I learned at puppy preschool has taught me to continue training all of my puppies. It wasn't easy at first but now it often happens so fast. It's second nature. Start as soon as you get your puppy. The sooner you start the easier it is to train then. 
5. Don't let young puppies over exercise. Exercise is by play only for the first year and that includes jumping off furniture. Protect your pupoies develooing joints and bones. Trim under the paws so that your puppy/dog has good grip. Don't let your puppy go up and down stairs. Carry them. Make sure little people are sitting down when cuddling a puppy. Puppies often sense the difference between an adult and a child. It only takes a second for a puppy to wiggle out of a child's hands. 
6. Be consistent 

7. Don't give your puppy full run if the house. Toilet training can be easy. There are many ways to puppy proof your house. Take your puppy to the toilet upon waking, after eating and after an hour of play time. Be kind. Remember someone had to toilet train you too! If you come across something naughty your puppy has done, roll up a newspaper and hit yourself over the head with it for leaving your puppy unattended. Catch your puppy in the act, a firm ah ah or no and take them outside or remove the item from their mouth.  
8. Crate training is good as a safe quiet place and bed (the dog den). Teach your puppy to feel comfortable in a puppy pen and confident to be left on their own for short periods of time at first (even if you're just in another room and your puppy remains in the pen). Increase that time as they get use to their new home. This is to prevent separation anxiety. 
9. Cavaliers are companion animals. If you're away from home a lot this may not be the dog for you. Speak to a breeder. Consider getting two. 



Contact Details

Lockyer Valley, QLD, Australia
Email : [email protected]